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Haunna Tomas is our relationship manager, helping us reach out to clients, set up accounts and facilitate transfers.

At California Wealth Advisors, we believe that our success is not just measured in numbers, figures, earnings and assets, but in the meaningful connections we forge with our clients. We’re so lucky to be in an industry where relationships are paramount, guiding us toward success not in spite of closeness but because of it. That’s why Haunna Tomas, our relationship manager, is such a crucial part of our team. With her unique blend of experience in financial services and genuine passion for client relationships and goals, Haunna is the cornerstone of our commitment to exceptional service. She is also one of the main touch points for our valued partners, working hands-on with clients to position them to bring their dreams to life.

“One of the first things I noticed about this industry is how important people are,” she says. “It’s all about them, where they are and where they’d like to be. So often, everyday people are too busy with what’s going on around them to make a comprehensive plan for the future. And that’s not an indictment; it’s just the reality. With so much time spent working, being with loved ones and trying to carve out time for leisure and hobbies, most of us don’t have time to try to understand the financial landscape, much less make a plan. That’s why our mission is to take that weight off our clients’ shoulders and free them so they can use their time the way they want, now and in the future.”

Though she is relatively new to California Wealth Advisors, the journey that brought Haunna to our team is yet another testament to her dedication, perseverance and commitment to helping others. She began her career as a bank teller but quickly rose through the ranks, demonstrating a keen understanding of the intricacies of the financial industry, as well as how various strategies can be employed to achieve goals. Today, as the relationship manager in our office, that experience has proven invaluable. She is extremely organized and driven, giving her a leg up when helping our clients file paperwork, create accounts, and facilitate transfers. Her friendly voice and smile have also helped us connect further with clients, letting them know they have a trusted resource and point of contact, both in the office and on the other end of the phone.

Haunna says, “I feel grateful to have worked almost my entire life in financial services. I feel so comfortable in this field, but I also see so much value in the services we provide. I get to see people gain confidence by having a financial plan in place to help them achieve their goals, and by taking action on the steps laid out in the plan. I believe that confidence is the difference between securing the lifestyle you’ve always wanted and falling short. Seeing how California Wealth Advisors treats our clients lets me know that instilling that confidence is always top of mind.”

But Haunna’s ties with clients go far beyond her personal and professional achievements, or even her love for the financial industry. Her driving factor is her connection to California, its residents and her community. With roots in the Golden State, Haunna is a proud graduate of California State University Channel Islands, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in biology. She’s also a lifelong resident of Santa Barbara, giving her deeper insight into the issues our clients face, as well as some of the goals they might have. Now, she feels it’s her duty to give back to the community that has shaped her life, given her opportunities to grow, and kept her connected to her family and her passions.

“To me, California is the most special place on the planet,” Haunna says. “Everyone who lives here knows how lucky we are to call it home. There are so many different places to explore, and there’s something for everybody. Whether you like the big city, the beach life, remote locations, valleys or mountaintops, it doesn’t matter. There’s somewhere for you. I think that’s why the people feel an extra sense of protection for one another. I want to look out for those around me, and I know our team wants to do the same. That’s how I knew California Wealth Advisors was a company I needed to be a part of.”

Outside of the office, Haunna’s love for the outdoors comes to life. From finding new running and hiking trails to spending her days soaking in the sun at the beach, she always tries to take advantage of the always-present perfect weather and sunny skies. She also enjoys traveling, especially to new destinations throughout California. In fact, it’s that passion for new ideas and the fearlessness to try them that we believe makes her such a good fit for our company. We know she’s willing to go the extra mile, not because she has to, but because she wants to.


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